So I need to get better at this whole blog thing, I know. But here is my next attempt. Since I last posted, Ciara and I went to Prague. It was quite a good time. To begin, we left our flat in Vienna at about 5:45 on Saturday and it was pouring down rain- negative thing number one. On our way to Sudbahnhof, the station you take to got to Prague, I turned to Ciara and said " aside from the rain, everything seems to be going smoothly."Way to jinx it Andrew! Of course we got off at the metro stop and got on the bus going the wrong way. Resulting in us getting off and walking around for ten minutes in the rain that was coming down much more intensely. Luckily we got a cab and soon were on the train to Prague soaked, but we made it. Once we made it to Prague the sun was shining and everything was great our hotel was right under Prague castle, a great location. We soaked in the sights and a few beverages, enjoyed some food, and basically enjoyed a beautiful city. Different than both of us remembered in terms of cost and amount of tourists but amazing all the same.
Moving forward, this week we had the opportunity to go to the Vienna Opera house for a promotional deal where we could walk through-out the venue and go into the boxes, go back stage, and watch special effects. There was also a performance, showing a little history of the Opera house and how things worked back stage. It was pretty impressive, I have to say we were impressed by the scale and the beauty of the venue, a truly unique experience.
Th other notable event is that we FINALLY received our shipment, which made for a long day for us today. I was expecting to cart our belongings up the 4 flights of stairs to our flat, as we do not have a lift. But I didn't expect to have to break down a pallet into pieces with a flat head screwdriver and a plumber's wrench. Quite an experience. If anyone needs advice if presented with this situation, I now have some for you. I spent about 45 minutes-an hour performing the task. But in the end we have our stuff and everything worked out. It was tough for Ciara though because she had to come home from school to a house that looked like we just moved in. Like the trooper she is, she started to work and organized the place and got things looking like a home again. We're off to go hiking and camping this weekend and will check in again next week.
For a look at some Vienna pictures up to this point and our Prague trip check out this
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