So, we've been a little busy since our last post. We had a good stretch of visitors that we will write about in the next post and many, many things have happened. As you may know by now, we are having a BABY!! After we popped the news to Destiny & Eric (it was so nice to tell them in person), we spread the word to all of you. We are due October 16th. Now that I'm 5 months along, my belly recently decided to pop, and we are getting more and more excited. I have had an easy pregnancy and haven't had an obvious prego signs, just some fatigue (but who isn't tired). If it weren't for the monthly ultrasounds, I would still be in disbelief. I found an excellent doctor and the health care in Austria is amazing. We are planning on delivering at a reputable hospital across the street from our house (http://www.rudolfinerhaus.at/en/the-rudolfinerhaus.html). No taxi or public transportation necessary. It makes me laugh and ponder when I think of going into labor and walking down the 63 steps from our flat and crossing the street to deliver our child.
I am planning on starting off the school year in August then taking October-December off. I get 3 months maternity leave. We plan to bring our new bundle of joy home to Seattle all of December. I will return to work in January and Andrew will be Mr. stay-at-home dad. He is so excited and we are really lucky to have this opportunity for our baby to be at home with dad. Andrew (along with everyone else except Marko), thinks we're having a girl. We're keeping it a surprise. Of course we won't know for sure until the baby is born and I find it peculiar that so far there has been an overall GIRL response. Our baby is ALREADY loved by so many. He/she is already blessed by having amazing family and friends. Thank you for all the love and joy you've already shared with us. As time is getting closer to coming home for the month of July, I can hardly wait to see you and give lots and lots of hugs. And I cannot wait to squeeze my nieces!
I am so excited for you!!! Justin is stay at home dad and has been since I went back to work at 6 weeks. He will be great and it is so nice to look forward to coming home to little boo boo at the end of the day. I can't wait to see you in July!!!